
Let me off the grid! A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Grapes and Sophy the Cat

Every year, our grape vines look like they've given up the ghost.  And every year they manage to give us a few bunches of sweet, tiny grapes.  These are still hard and sour, but will be delicious in a few weeks.  I hope to get them before the birds do...

This is Sophy, our little rescue kitty.  A student brought her to my husband's school when she was only 3 weeks old.  She was handed around the school the entire day with no food and was pretty traumatized by the time David got her.  She was so tiny, she fit in the palm of my hand.  I took her to school with me every day for two weeks because she had to be bottle fed every few hours.

     Now she's 5 months old and one of the Wild Things.  I think it has something to do with being orange.  She is extremely affectionate, which also may have to do with orangeness.  (She behaves exactly like Teacake, another orange cat we had years ago.)  We had her spayed on Monday and she must wear the dreaded cone because she keeps fussing with the incision:
 Poor kitty!  I wonder how many channels she picks up with that thing...

1 comment:

Gayle said...

I know what you mean about THE BIRDS , I have a mosquito netting meant for a bed spread over my strawberries now. (not pretty)

Oh, my favorite cat ever was an orange one with a stubby tail. Don't worry Sophy, you won't have to wear it forever!